Wednesday, March 13, 2013

wind in my hair, change in my heart

I'm not typically a fan of the wind. I appreciate its roles in shifting, clearing and spreading, I just don't enjoy being in its presence. However, today while walking through a vast, open space bordered by distant snow-capped mountains, I felt a new appreciation for one of wind's primary qualities--movement. I felt it move across my face and through my hair and that movement created a sense of freedom and flow that charged my heart with a burst of energy. And that excitement and appreciation in a situation that in other times had me feel scattered, resistant, ungrounded, was an opening. An opening to receiving, accepting, allowing another (in this case, an element) more fully into my heart. Where else do I typically close, resist or disapprove of something or someone where I can open wider to find something beautiful to connect to? How can I invite movement into my way of being/seeing? Thank you for the wisdom, wind--I'll do my best to live it!

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